Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 New Year's Goals & Resolutions Blog Hop!

As the New Year approaches I can't help but think about my goals and resolutions for 2013 (yes, I make them!) One thing that seems to always be on my New Year's list is to pare down and simplify my life.  I did make some good strides in 2012 but I am determined that 2013 is going to be a turning point in my life in this area.  My Dh and I are already on our way with this one as we have spent today editing our Christmas decorations into 3 piles: "keep" "donate" "trash."  This has actually turned into a day of purging all kinds of things from our attic and is making me feel better already. 

Another goal is to get back into blogging so I decided to host my very first Blog Hop and hope you will link up and share your goals and/or resolutions for 2013!  I know I will get inspiration from other bloggers on what they want to improve, pare down or tackle in the New Year as well. 

So, link up below!!!  Out of courtesy, please share the code on your post so others can share in the fun and don't forget to visit other participants to say hi!

Thanks for sharing!!!

post signature

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Celebration

We have had a wonderful Christmas celebration.  The festivities started last night during our Annual Christmas Eve Candle-light service.  There is something so moving about this observance.  Sometimes it feels like we are so busy in the weeks leading up to Christmas, it is easy to forget why we even celebrate in the first place, but sitting in church, I remember deep into my soul.  The music was beautiful, the message timeless and seeing the faces of my friends and family in the glow of hundreds of candles made me eternally thankful for the babe born in a manger long ago. 

Afterwards, we came home to a casual dinner with friends.  We also enjoyed my DH's first attempt at smoking Boston Butt, and boy did he succeed!!!  It was super yummy!  I think it will become our standard Christmas Eve meal from here on out.  We spent several hours eating and laughing until it was time for everyone to scatter to their own homes and snuggle in their beds to await the arrival of Santa! 

Of course, this morning, my boys woke us and their sister up at the crack of dawn to see what surprises Santa had brought.  This year was the year of technology in our house (which I sit on the fence about, even though I love it!)  I was also the recipient of a huge surprise in the form of a new camera!!!  My sweet DH funded the recent renovations on Southern Somedays and he decided I needed a better camera as well and bought me my first DSLR.  I have a lot to learn now.  I have a great point & shoot but it is showing it's age (and my cell phone has more mega pixels) and mostly, I figure he got tired of my hinting.  I am so excited and a wee bit intimidated!

post signature

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Retail Therapy Thursday: Target Riding on Lilly Inspiration

Lilly Pulitzer Pink Chum Bucket Cruiser
For years I have have lusted after one of Lilly Pulitzer's gorgeous bicycles!  "Bicycles, you say?"  Yes, I am known far and wide -maybe wide isn't a good choice of wording here - for my dislike of exercise but when I see these adorable Lilly bikes I have visions of my cute self peddling to and fro dressed, of course, in coordinating Lilly outfits. The reality is that I would probably never fork over the money to buy one of these dreams on two wheels...but a girl can dream in pink and green!

So, imagine my surprise when I walked into Target this morning and saw that one of their lines, Alice + Olivia as part of the Target/Neiman Marcus Holiday line, has a Lilly inspired bike...not to mention the price tag was even more than a Lilly bike at a whopping $499.00!  I know lots of people will say it isn't a Lilly "inspiration"... but really???
I will give it it kudos for cuteness, especially that basket with the belt around it and I like the white tires (which would coordinate perfectly with a Lilly bike...just in case any Lilly Bike designers read this!)
I did find it interesting that when I looked the bike up on Target's website it was half the in store cost at only $249.00.  That is quite a price difference online versus in store! At $249.00 I did think the cute factor increased. But at $499.00, I couldn't imagine forking over more for this bike at Target than I would have to for a Lilly. But, then again, I am prejudiced and only a Lilly bike makes me exert energy imaging myself exercising on it!!!
post signature

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What about me?

My blog redecorating project is almost at an end! I have added some new tabs up top, new social networking buttons, a new signature and some prettiness all around (actually the very patient Christin at Designer Blogs has been the brains behind this redo!)  I also now have a very cute blog button on the right hand side with a share code that I would love for you to copy and share! 

My next step is building an "About Me" page and that is where I am stumped and I need your help!  What questions should I answer about me?  I am not sure what my dear readers want to know.  Please share any questions you have about bloggers you read and what you think I should include.

post signature

Decorating at Wallace House

Wallace House
One of the fun events my Garden Club participates in each year is Christmas decorating at Wallace House.  It is the home of the President of Francis Marion University and  Garden Clubs from the area gather early in December and decorate a room or area.  My club was fortunate enough to be able to work in the dining room. 

This year we used an inspiration photo from last year's White House Christmas Magazine for our centerpieces and we made two for each end of the large banquet sized table.
They turned out gorgeous and will serve wonderfully through out the Christmas season for all the festivities that go on at Wallace House.  We used only live greenery and fresh fruits to work with the atmosphere and period of the house.
We added a silver bowl of greenery and fruit on the sideboard.
It just reflects beautifully off the silver tea set and mirror. 

My favorite arrangement has to be this one! Actually we created 2 of these beauties to nestle on top of the corner china cabinets. This arrangement is so reflective of South Carolina with the use of the palm fronds (we are the Palmetto State!), magnolia leaves and blooms surrounding a pineapple (representing hospitality) and a liberal ring of Spanish Moss in a silver bowl.  It is speaks my South Carolina love language.
This is a gorgeous arrangement made by one of our talented members. She stacked cake plates and then used fruits, magnolia leaves, boxwood and cranberries to complete it. I just love the use of fresh fruits and greenery in decorating.  The greenery was all gathered from the campus of Francis Marion University

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Cactus & Friendship

This year two of my friends gifted me with Christmas Cacti!  The one above is planted in a gorgeous footed, vintage, cranberry glass dish and literally overflowing with gorgeous pale pink blooms.  I love these crazy plants that bloom with abandon when the season is right because my Grandmother loved them.  I am still the guardian of one of her beloved Christmas Cactus (see it here). 
This one was given to me by my sweet friend, Susan, who is the most talented person I know.  She hand painted and monogrammed the pot herself (in between doing amazing things with refinished furniture.) I keep telling her she needs a blog to share all her finds and inspiration with the rest of us.   I look so forward to being able to cultivate these plants as a reminder of what a blessing friends can be!

I  like Christmas Cacti better than poinsettias mostly because the don't tend to die on me before Christmas actually comes around. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Florence Symphony Guild's Holiday Homes Tour 2012

A couple of weeks ago the Florence Symphony Guild held its annual Holiday Homes Tour 2012.  This year's tour had 7 unique homes of varying size and design which made for a interesting tour full of Christmas decoration inspiration!

Please visit the full tour album on the

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Newtown, prayers are with you.

On Friday our nation experienced one of those senseless, evil acts that cannot be explained away.  The tragic event in Newtown, Connecticut that took the lives of 27 people...20 of them beyond my ability to wrap my mind around.  It has weighed heavily on my heart and mind this weekend.  I can't even begin to understand the fear and pain that the parents of children at Sandy Hook Elementary are feeling, especially those who will never take their children home. I can't imagine the pain that those who lost friends and loved ones are facing today, just 9 days before Christmas. 

Newtown, Connecticut my heart and prayers are with you...
your loved ones will not be forgotten.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Giveaway Spot light: Life Through Preppy Glasses!

Life Through Preppy Glasses
My sweet blog friend, Wes over at Life Through Preppy Glasses, is having a great giveaway sponsored by Smathers & Branson (who are the purveyors of wonderful, vintage inspired needlepoint belts, collegiate products, cummerbunds, dog collars, and key fobs.)  Wes is giving one lucky entrant their choice of 1 in stock needlepoint key fob!    Wes is one of my favorite young bloggers and I always enjoy his insights and photos sharing his time at school in NYC.   He is also always so encouraging and has a positive spirit.   Please check out his blog and giveaway.
Just in case you are wondering, if I win, this is the one I will chose:
Smathers & Branson

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Over the Moon...47 weeks Seizure Free

I don't write about DS2's seizure disorder very often but it is time for an update!  Yesterday we went for his check up with his Neurologist at MUSC and he had a great visit. I have to say that I love our Neurologist and the staff at MUSC.  I know it is a God thing that we ended up with Dr. Turner.  His level of care, concern and understanding is beyond anything I could have hoped for.  He deals with DS2 so wonderfully and doesn't forget that this Epilepsy Journey is one the whole family takes.  I am grateful that he proposed and has directed us in using the Modified Atkins Diet as a treatment for DS2's seizures.  He and the entire staff at MUSC seem to understand how scary this journey is daily and are extremely patient with me and my Mama Drama (which is more valuable than you can imagine!) 

As far as DS2, he is 47 weeks seizure free (yep....I count each and every week!) and growing like a weed.  He has been on the Modified Atkins Diet (a less restrictive version of the Ketogenic Diet) since February and so far we have seizure control!!!  His blood work has been fantastic and shows no ill effects of the diet on his other systems.  He does amazingly well on the diet, much better than I think most adults would do!  Of course, the holidays are presenting some challenges as all the traditional sweets are more available and tempting but so far, so good.  I am proud of my little guy and his ability to cope with the changes in his life.

It has been almost a year since our world changed and we began this journey, but I know God has blessed us beyond measure with each moment!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Decorating Conundrum

I am conflicted. This year I totally decided that we wouldn't decorate as much as we usually do (so we are down to 5 trees...oh, yeah...)  But, I can't seem to wrap up decorating even what we decided to do!  Also, I have been struck with the worst case of Spring Cleaning/Organizing you can imagine.  Maybe it is the crazy, Spring-like weather we have been having, but just as we are supposed to be pulling out and placing all the traditional Christmas decorations around, I am fighting an urge to purge.  Trust me when I say that Christmas decorating and the deep desire to declutter do not make a happy mix!  Isn't this crazy???? 

Today as I was giving my bathroom a super deep clean I even had the wild thought that maybe I should have a yard sale and get rid of LOTS of things (like maybe the entire attic or storage building???)...and I never think having a yard sale is a good idea. I should mention I rarely think giving the bathroom a deep clean for fun is a good idea either, but that is just what I did!

Is this one of those female life changes no one bothered to tell me about? Is there a medication for it?  What's next..forbidding anyone to eat in my car?  

Monday, December 10, 2012


It seems surreal that today is my husband and my 24th wedding anniversary.  It was a cold December night 24 years ago (so cold it actually caused one of the glass hurricane lanterns my Bridesmaids were carrying to shatter from temperature change when she entered the warm church...yep, it was cold!) When I walked down that gorgeous church aisle to meet the young man of my dreams we were just babies. I know that I didn't realize how much he truly was the man of my dreams then (I had some growing up to do before I fully understood that!)

We have traveled a pretty winding road these last 24 years.  We have lived in 4 different states, owned 7 different houses and have been blessed with 3 amazing children.  Somehow over the last 24 years we created a family and joined two separate families together forever.  That is truly a God thing.

Unfortunately, he is out of town today so we won't be spending this day together but he showered me with love...and 24 roses (and some pretties from Lilly Pulitzer..see he is a keeper!)...this past weekend. So, even though I am missing him today,  I pray for at least another 100 years together and I thank God for the man He created for me!   

And above all these put on love,
which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
Colossians 3:14 (ESV)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Profile Pictures, What are your Thougths?

As I am wading through these changes on Southern Somedays and it's associated pages (Twitter, Facebook,Pinterest, etc.) I have been wondering about Profile Pictures and how folks feel about them.  For a long while I have used my "M" initial as my profile across the board, but just recently put up my photo as a profile picture on my Twitter page.  So, my question you like a photo profile picture on a blog and associated pages or do you care one way or another?  I have read all kinds of things about branding and social media so I am wondering if I should put up my photo or just stick with my "M"...thoughts???

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Under Construction, come see what I have done!

In my last post I said I wanted to make a change!  So, what do you think of my new look so you like?

I still have several changes and additions coming!  My goal with this face lift is to get rid of clutter to make the page cleaner and also reflect my tastes these days so please stick with me!

In the mean time I would love to know what you think of the new, and I think, improved Southern Somedays?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Remodeling, the blog that is...


I can’t believe it has been over a year since I practically wrote this same post about wanting to get a new look for Southern Somedays! Boy, that is probably a good indication that I have been busy and not focused on blogging. In some ways that is really good (living real life versus just blogging about it) but lately I have found myself missing the outlet that this space has given me through the years… 6-1/2 years!

Another other reason that I seem to have struggled with blogging in the last year or so is that I have lost my direction or “theme” in regards to the blog. It has become very random and I tend to find myself not having any inspiration or ideas on what to blog about. Maybe that is a reflection of the season of life in which I find myself??? I also think that my blogging is greatly linked to my taking photos…which I don’t seem to do much anymore. My oldest son even asked about that recently (and he is the one who always acted like it was such a huge pain to have me taking pictures all the time!) I don’t have a good reason as to why I don't take as many pictures, except maybe that my camera doesn’t capture the shots it used to quite as easily? Who knows? But, I think I need to get back into that as well.

So be on the look out over the next few weeks for a new and updated Southern Somedays!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Macy and Her Cookie

This is the story of a girl named Macy and her cookie.  One bright November morning, Macy received quite a treat, a puppy dog peanut butter cookie.  She was so very happy!  She loved this cookie so much. She even barked at her feline sister, Emelda No Shoes, when said she came too close to the beloved peanut butter cookie.  Apparently, though, Miss Emelda's interest in the peanut butter cookie cause Macy to develop anxiety.
The newly fueled cookie anxiety drove Macy to distraction.  She found herself crying and running to and fro through out the house.  She was a pitiful sight to behold.
Where, oh where, will the cookie be safe?
Or maybe over here....
So, nestled under presents and tree skirt lies that peanut butter cookie.  Miss Macy returns to the scene every few minutes to ease her anxiety that it is still there.
The end.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Silly Christmas Music: Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey!

Yes....I said Donkey...the Italian Christmas Donkey.

This was one of those  cultural differences we encountered when we lived in New York.  Trust me when I say, this Southern Christmas music junkie had NEVER heard this song before moving north (and hasn't heard it played on the radio since moving back below the Mason Dixon line!) each his own....

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy 30 Days of Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for today, for life
and the joy that God has given me!

Whether you have big plans with friends and family or you are spending this day more quietly I hope you find blessings and joy.  We do Thanksgiving dinner here about 7:00 pm so this morning finds my daughter baking cookies and we are watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and enjoying this beautiful fall morning.  I am thankful that my immediate family (plus my daughter's beau) will be gathered around my table this evening and will also help start the Christmas decorating.  We actually already have 1 tree up (in my office) and I don't feel one bit guilty, as truly here we celebrate one massive holiday called Merry Christgiving! 

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:15-17(ESV)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 16-29

30 Days of Thanksgiving

Day 16-29, 2012:  Oh my, I haven't done very well with my daily posting!  (But rest assured I have focused on what I am thankful for and spent more time IRL on that than in the virtual world sharing about it!)  It has been a crazy, busy month and I think this morning is the 1st time I have felt I had time to sit down and share. 

This year, I am acutely aware of how much I am thankful for my youngest DS.  We started this year not knowing what the future held for him (not that we know that now...but you know what I mean!)  If you don't know the back story you may want to start reading HERE  In the last 12 months I have witnessed his very close brush with death and more seizures.  Then walked with him down the path through some scary months of doctor's visits, tests and a major lifestyle change.  It hasn't been easy, but honestly, it hasn't been hard.  When faced with a very somber reality and what possibilities it brings into your life, it is amazing what strength God gives you to change.  I don't know that I have slept through the night in over 10 months but I don't resent that...I am so thankful to have the opportunity to check up on an alive, sleeping child. 

There have been some very poignant moments of thanks where he is concerned this past year, some of them big and some of them small, but none insignificant.  When he walked on stage to perform at his piano recital, I sent up prayers of thanksgiving that he was fully functioning.  When baseball season rolled around, I was astounded that we found ourselves sitting on the bleachers...there were many months that we didn't think that would ever happen again and I was in tears of thanksgiving.  When Mother's Day rolled around and he was there.... I felt thankfulness beyond compare. During the summer days spent swimming in the pool...I was thankful for each and every moment. When flag football season started and I got to see him take up his spot at quarterback I felt thankfulness that was overwhelming. 

The last few months have clarified so much in my heart and mind and put life in a perspective that I "knew" but had never had to live with each of my children.  Considering how much I know now about what we are dealing with ...seizure disorders...Epilepsy....I am so very aware of how blessed we are.  I have met so many families that are carrying a much heavier burden and that gives me pause for gratitude daily.  So, I thank God every single day for my children and husband because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, HE is the reason I am blessed to share life with them.

I am also immensely thankful for my handsome husband.  He is a great husband and a wonderful father.  I and so grateful for his patience, love and how he takes care of our family. I know that I have a lot to be thankful for in the marriage department and I count those blessings every day!

I know that even though my 30 Days of Thanksgiving posting was not as consistent as I had planned, I am still very filled with gratitude for all the blessings in my life each day....and for a Savior who made it so.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
`~Thomas Ken, The Common Doxology

Thursday, November 8, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 16

30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 16, 2012: On this chilly Fall morning I am thankful for a warm, secure and safe house.  It may seem like a simple or obvious thing to be thankful for but one which I do not want to ever take for granted.  Thank you, God, from whom all blessings flow.

That my glory may sing your praise and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!
Psalm 30:12 (ESV)

Please join me in celebrating 30 Days of Thanksgiving by leaving a comment and sharing what you are thankful for today!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 15

Day 15, 2012:  Today (and always) I am thankful for my oldest son.  Almost 16 years ago he came into my life and just turned it upside down and for that I am grateful.  He has stretched me as a person and shown me so much about myself through my reactions with him. Being a "mom of boys" has really challenged me and taught me sides to life I had no idea existed!   

DS1 is compassionate, smart, strong,  handsome, funny and loves God.  I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to be a part of his life and that I get to watch as God's story for him unfolds....he has big things ahead. 

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
James 1:17 (ESV)

Please join me in celebrating 30 Days of Thanksgiving by leaving a comment and sharing what you are thankful for today!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 13 & 14

30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 13-14, 2012: I just got back from voting.  Yes, it was a bit cold out this morning, cloudy and dreary as well, but I was not missing the opportunity that most of this world never knows.  I got to walk into a warm building, be greeted by friendly and helpful poll workers, stand in line with strangers who all seemed pleasant and happy to be there and boldly, without fear, cast my vote for who I think should lead our great nation.  I am so thankful that I have that freedom. 

I am also thankful for a special group of girlfriends.  We have come together through a mutual love of books to form a little book club.  Through our shared love of words we have developed a wonderful, supportive sisterhood.  Although we only officially meet once a month, I am so thankful for these sweet women and the special blessings they are. 

And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name,
make known his deeds among the peoples,
proclaim that his name is exalted. “Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously;
let this be made known in all the earth.
Isaiah 12:4-5 (ESV)

Please join me in celebrating 30 Days of Thanksgiving by leaving a comment sharing what you are thankful for today!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 11 & 12

Day 11-12, 2012: Today I am thankful for a wonderful church family that felt it important to gather for prayer for the future of our nation tonight. 

I am also thankful for the ability to pray freely without fear, as so many, in other countries have never known that freedom. 

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 (ESV)

Please join me in 30 Days of Thanksgiving and leave a comment sharing what you are thankful for today!

Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 10

30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 10, 2012:  Today I am thankful for my sweet daughter.  She has grown into a lovely young lady, both inside and out.  She has shown me so much and my heart has grown because she is in my life.  I am proud of what a successful and hard working woman is.   In giving me a daughter, God blessed me with not just a child but a friend for life.

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3 (NIV)


Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 7-9

30 Days of Thanksgiving

Day 7-9: The last few days the weather has brought devastation to many in our nation so I can't help but be thankful for the beautiful weather than we have experienced.  It has actually felt and started to look like Fall! We have only felt the breezes of the storm that raged north of us.  Living close to the coast teaches you to respect these storms and they are always a concern, so you learn to be thankful for when they pass you by while also anguishing over the lives they wreak havoc upon.

I am thankful that my youngest son has now been able to say good bye to the crutches he has been hobbling around on as of late (he fell from about 7-8 feet out of his tree house....I am overwhelmingly thankful that other than bruises and a bad ankle sprain he was OK!)  I am also thankful that I survived yet another "Mom of boys" moment with this one without having a heart attack! 

On a lighter note, I am thankful for a couple of good eBay scores this week!  I got 2 silver platters for a steal and I can't wait to get them in the mail!  I also got a great deal on some unopened Christmas party napkins (50 cents a pack!) at a thrift shop this week that will be put to great use in the coming season!!!

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
  Ephesians 5:20 (ESV)
Please join me celebrating 30 Days of Thanksgiving
by leaving me a comment telling me
what you are thankful for today!

Monday, October 29, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 3-6

30 Days of Thanksgiving
When I started this series of posts I don't think I gave much thought to my ability to post on the weekends!  This weekend didn't find me having a moment to sit down at the computer but it did find me with plenty to be thankful for! 

Day 3-6, 2012: I am thankful for my boy's school.  We are blessed with a school that truly partners with us as parents to help rear young men that have a solid foundation not just academically but also spiritually, socially and physically.  My boys have teacher's and coaches who go above and beyond the call of duty to reach out and show true servant leadership. 

I am also thankful that our Varsity Football team has a slot in region playoffs!  My oldest DS plays on the Varsity team and he is so excited to be part of such a great team!  The 1st playoff game is Friday night so wish us luck.

I am thankful for dear friends and neighbors.  We had a great time with friends for dinner on Saturday and laughed and talked until late into the night.  On Sunday night we had a great party with our neighbors as we wished a very sweet neighbor (actually we call her the "mayor" of our neighborhood) well as she leaves our little 'hood for another across town.  We have a neighborhood that is hard to beat...more like family than just folks who live in the houses down the street!

Today I am also grateful that this weekend that I had my entire family under one roof!  DD came home unexpectedly from college which was GREAT.  When we are all here, everything feels right with the world. 

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!
Psalm 107:1 (ESV)

Please join me celebrating 30 Days of Thanksgiving
by leaving me a comment telling me
what you are thankful for today!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 2

30 Days of Thanksgiving

Day 2, 2012: It is only the second day of my 30 Days of Thanksgiving and I am embarrassed to admit that today my “thankful bone” isn’t feeling very strong. There have been a series of annoying, albeit minor, incidents that have my selfish nature wanting to throw my hands up and scream, “Why me???” or “I hate my life!!!” But, as I sit here trying to focus and unwind from the stresses that plotted to take me down, I am determined to see the blessings in today.

So, on Day 2, I am thankful for access to a great Doctor when we need it. When I called him today with an issue…he said just come over. I am thankful for his consistent care and concern for my family on big and little issues. I am thankful for his staff who are always patient, even when I seem to be a frequent flyer in their office.

I am thankful for the summer like temperatures that allowed me to plant pansies this morning without wearing a jacket in the beautiful fall morning sun!

I am thankful for a school secretary that cares enough about my child to call me just to double check on his health issues.

I am thankful for T-shirt/yoga pant days, even if those are days I always seem to have to take a child unexpectedly to the doctor. And, also that our Doctor hasn’t asked if that is the only outfit I own.

Well, my thankfulness might not be all that deep today…but I am filled with the overwhelming blessings that abound in my life.

Rejoice always, pray continually,
give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

Please join me celebrating 30 Days of Thanksgiving by leaving me a comment
telling me what you are thankful for today!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 1

If you have been reading Southern Somedays for any length of time you may have gathered that I am a holiday junkie. I love Christmas, Easter, 4th of July…you name it, but my favorite is the quiet and less noticed Thanksgiving. It has been that way my entire life. I truly think because, in my mind, it kicks off the most wonderful time of the year, that magical season that starts in November and runs completely through January 1st!

This year I am approaching Thanksgiving with the spirit of the holiday in focus and going to celebrate Thirty Days of Thanksgiving by blogging 30 days of things for which I am thankful. I would love it if you would join me and leave a comment about what you are thankful for today and lets all let this season touch our hearts and lives in a deeper way this year!

30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 1, 2012: Tonight I was reminded that the 1st and greatest blessing in my life is my relationship with Jesus Christ; nothing else compares. I am so thankful that I have Him in my life and can’t imagine how I would get through even one day without Him.

This past year has brought many challenges and I didn’t see them coming. I was completely and totally unprepared mentally, physically and spiritually. Had I not had a loving Heavenly Father that loved me enough to give His son so that I might live fully, I don’t know how I would have made it through this year. Christ was truly my saving grace in the face of fear, anxiety, uncertainty and pain. He is the foundation I need day to day. I am so very thanksfilled for His forgiveness, grace, mercy and presence in my life.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)

Please join me celebrating 30 Days of Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Vintage Dreams Monday

Some days I find myself dreaming of things past.  I don't dream about Little House on the Prairie past but I love the early to mid 1900s and the glamour and beauty that seemed to be pervasive. I know it wasn't perfect but I just know I was born a few decades too late.

Source: via Bella on Pinterest

Source: via Bella on Pinterest

Where do your Vintage Dreams take you?