Monday, April 20, 2009
PLAY ball...

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Get your garden on!
This week I am potting 10 heirloom tomato plants (I am only planting non-hybrids this year because I want to harvest my own seeds for next year), cucumber seeds and pepper plants. I also want to find some annual herbs to put in my empty strawberry pot. So, tell me, how does your garden grow?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Stumphouse Tunnel Adventure
Last week was Spring Break for my crew. We didn't take a trip or anything, and were disappointed that we only had one decent weather day. On our one good day, the boys and I decided we would head up to Stumphouse Tunnel and Isaqueena Falls to do some "adventuring". As a Mom, I am trying to remember that boys like adventures and plan activities that fit that bill without causing injury or bleeding (or at least much of it).
At this point, I don't think they were sure if my idea of adventure was the same as theirs, but they did know we had to have flashlights for this one!
The opening of Stumphouse Tunnel.
Heading in! Of course, DS#2 (Mr. throw caution to the wind) is leading the way.
Taken with Night Snap Shot mode so you can see the walls inside.
Now they are definitely glad we brought the flashlights!
This is one of my favorite shots, taken as we were leaving.
I earned some brownie points by letting the boys climb some rocks!
View from a lower part of Isaqueena Falls
Isn't she lovely? I can't leave all my girliness behind!
Isaqueena Falls, which is located right next to Stumphouse Tunnel.
The boys, after climbing down the falls.
I felt pretty good after this adventure because DS#1 said, as were were leaving, that this was "way more fun that going away for Spring Break!" HooAHHH!
For more information on a Stumphouse Tunnel adventure of your own:

The value of Reading...

The other night, the kiddos and I took our dinner to the park to have a picnic and play. After eating DS#2 headed to the play area. I, being an attentive Mommy, watched him climb up the play structure and into the yellow, spiral, tube slide. I sat there, all content and soaking up the warm evening while joyous sounds of children playing surrounded me, until I realized (see...this is where the attentiveness comes it!) DS#2 hadn't come out of the slide. How long does it take to come down the slide? Maybe 30 seconds??? Well, he had been in there for far longer, so I called out his name. He finally pops out. So, I have to ask him, why on earth it took him so long to come down. He shrugs his little shoulders and answers, all matter of factly, "People have written lots of stuff in there and I wanted to read it!" Oh, Boy! That reading thing has really paid off...geez.

Friday, April 3, 2009
The Attack on Easter Village..