Part of the initiation to the PM is that you have to, of course, follow the rules!
Rule #1: Click on the above button and paste onto your blog/website
Rule #2: Answer the below questions
Rule #3: Pass onto 10 bloggers that you Love, go to their blog and let them know they've been tagged
1. Who is your style icon? Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (originally) but I can can't leave out Lilly Pulitzer
2. What is your favorite socialite lit book? Social Climbers by Beth Dunn ;)
3. Favorite party theme? Pink and Green parties rule!
4. Go to Halloween costume? I am woefully sad without an answer for this one!
5. Extravagance you cannot live without? my Monogrammed bags
6. Living person you admire? My Daughter, who is becoming a lovely, lovely young lady!
7. Greatest Fear? My family not being safe.
8. Trait you deplore in yourself? lack of focus and stick-to-it-ness.
9. Which talent would you most like to have? hmmmm? I would love to be musically inclined (which I am so very NOT).
10. Greatest Achievement? Managing to keep a marriage growing and alive 21+ years and being part of the lives of my three wonderful children...that and being mistaken for being too young to have an 18 year old...that is pretty cool as well.
So, now I crown:
Life From Pippy's Perspective
Chic Crafty Chic
Sweet Pea
The Preppy Apron
Serenity Now - A Mommy's Solution to Staying Sane
One Preppy Day
Tales of a Northern Belle
Mama in High Heels
Jillian, Inc.
The Beaufort Lookout
Y'all go over and visit with the newly crowned Socialites!!!