Thursday, July 31, 2008

More Christmas...garland questions...

Since yesterday, I have gotten a couple of emails asking about the garland around my door. It is woven of magnolia leaves, grapvine garland and dried Crepe Myrtle pods along with a wide gold and maroon ribbon. Below you can see a daylight photo (of questionable quality!).

To start I took a thin piece of prelit evergreen garland and attached it to the door frame as my base and wired the magnolia leaves and grapevine on to it, then I took a string of larger, facetted Christmas lights (to give it a bit more pop than all the other mini-white lights I have out front and wove those through it, then took the ribbon and added it and that was it. The magnolia leaves and Crepe Myrtle pods were free and I use the ribbons, grapevine, and lights year after year.

In Georgia, December will often give us some warmer temps. and the Magnolia Leaves stand up to that better than I have found live evergreen garland to do.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Holiday Grand Plan...

I have a couple of friends who are organized and together and look forward to Christmas all the year long. In years past I have been really organized and looked forward to Christmas "most of the year long". Last year...not so much. I just couldn't seem to get it together. We didn't do a lot of the things we traditionally do during that season because I wasn't organized enough to pull it off but this year I have a plan.Well, it isn't so much "my" plan but one that a couple of my real holiday spirited friends swear by...THE HOLIDAY GRAND PLAN .

Daisy over at and Cathy (the Retail Therapist) over at have both said this was great for years. They are even in the Christmas in July mood on their blogs. Another friend, over at, is also in the Christmas in July mood so she and a group of friends got together to throw a super fun Christmas in July party. I will probably steal this idea myself next July! Oh, yeah...Sheila over at is also sprouting some holiday spirit as well.

Anyway, starting August 31, The HGP kicks off with lists and reminders and all kinds of organizational thrills to get us whipped into shape so that when the holidays actually roll around we can enjoy them!
So, YES- my Internet friends, I will be attempting the HGP this year and want to be super organized before the holidays arrive so that I can enjoy every single moment!
P.S. Amy G. mentioned she likes Organized Christmas even better than HGP so here is the link for any of you "get it done early" types . This site also has some really cute craft and gift ideas. I am just all about the options!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

13 Days and Counting...

13 days...yes, it is 13 days until my children head back into their classrooms.

Doesn't that seem too soon????

We have school supplies and uniforms ordered - Bleck!

So, I am feeling very crabby about school starting back so early (earlier and earlier, each year it seems). I feel like such a grump but I am REALLY not happy about this. I don't want summer to end. I like having my kiddos home! Whaaaaah...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fun Target deal!

DD and I have been doing her back to school shopping (yes, it seems early but we are less than a month away from school starting -that is a rant for another post!) and found this cute belt at Target for only $3.48!

She and I both got one.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Walking the Bridge...

One really fun thing we did while in Charleston was to get up early and walk the Ravenel Bridge. If you are familiar with Charleston you know the is gorgeous and huge and long! The views were worth the walk (which was a pretty good workout!).
I am determined next time we are going to walk it at night!
Just beautiful!!!

Girls in Charleston...

While the boys sweated it out on the golf course the girls and I went shopping and made a quick visit to the College of Charelston (both girls are going to be juniors and are thinking about colleges already). DD, who wants major in communications/journalism was really excited to go by the Garden & Gun offices and just had to have her photo with their sign. She says that is where she wants to work. If you aren't acquainted with this fabulous magazine head over and check it out

The College of Charleston has such a gorgeous campus!
Oh, and it isn't too far away from the Citadel and all those cute Citadel men!
DD and her sweet bestest!

Boys in Charleston

The "men" took advantage of the famous SC golf courses and spent some time on the links while we were on vacation. DS1 is quite the little golfer!
DS2 is quite the little flag holder!

IOP and Charleston, the stuff dreams are made of...

If it has seemed kind of quiet around Southern Somedays that is because we have been away on vacation. We spent the last week at Isle of Palms, just north of Charleston, SC. We were blessed with some time in a special friend's family beach house and it was refreshing in more ways than one. We enjoyed the beach, amazing food, shopping and time together. I personally had some good, quiet, reflective time where I was able to spend time in The Word and lots of time in prayer (I enjoyed the luxury of uninterrupted time sitting on the wonderful screened porch). I took this week to really look into my heart and try to re-order some of my feelings and perspectives (and priorities) and I am so grateful to God for providing me with ever present love and unfailing guidance. God drew me near and I know that I want and need to have more of that in my day to day life.

An eye exam and a surprise...

Last week I was out shopping with my boys and making a trek into Wal-Mart (which I always dread) when I noticed that they had an Optometry office which was offering eye exams for only $45. Well…I don’t normally use the local Wally World for my family’s medical care but his Dad and I had just recently talked about getting DS2 an eye exam before 1st grade starts...and I noticed the Wally World optometrist wasn’t busyand he could take us as a walk inand it was only $45…and I was sure that all was well with my DS2’s eyes as he has amazing eye/hand coordination and never complained one iota about anything visual.

Yes, you know where this is going don’t you?

DS2 had the exam and the Dr. began to tell me that basically DS2 has little to no recognition of the images coming into his left eye and all kinds of other things about brain development, limited window of opportunity to fix this, etc. etc. I sat there just stunned! I mean, this child has never, and I mean NEVER, shown any indication of any problems either physically or academically. So, I got an RX for glasses and instructions to “patch” my sweet DS2’s right eye for a certain amount of time each day to encourage the brain to begin to recognize the now clear images coming through (clear with glasses). The diagnosis was Amblyopia – no, I had never heard the term before as most people use the term "lazy eye". DS2 doesn't have the physical turning of the eye or "floating" that many children do.

Anyway, I didn’t “fill” the prescription there as I just was really having a hard time with getting this medical diagnosis from Wal-Mart. I kept thinking “this is what I get for taking my child to Wal-Mart for an eye exam instead of my normal Optometrist” like it was some kind of bizarre punishment for trying to be a quick cheap MOM.

So, as soon as I was out of ear shot of the Optometrist (because I didn't want to hurt his feelings, of course) I call his Dad and tell him to immediately find an Optometrist that could see us ASAP. To say I was panicked was an understatement, and I knew I could not stand not knowing if this was for real. As God would have it there was one just about a ½ mile away and she had a cancellation in 20 minutes and could take us right away. We go over, and the Dr. re-does the exam and confirms Wal-Mart Dr’s original diagnosis. So, we did order those glasses and are trying to be faithful with our patching routine and I am wondering how on earth I just “missed it”.

So…I guess I win the Mom of the Year Award.

If you haven't had your little one's eyes checked I would recommend you do it (and I took DS1 for an exam - just to be safe!). If you are interested in knowing more about Amblyopia

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Chick Flick Video Alert...

Yes, girls, it is a Chick Flick Video alert! I bought Steel Magnolias on DVD last night for only $5.50 at Target! If you don't already own this lasting testament to girl friends, mother/daughter relationships, marriage and don't forget cantankerous old ladies with big slobbery dogs RUN to Target and indulge will be glad you did.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, America!

A few days ago DD and I were out and about and made a visit to one of our semi-local the form of a visit up at the lake in the gorgeous North Georgia Mountains. One of my favorite parts about being up there is soaking in some of the most beautiful homes (if we still lived in NY they would be called camps).
This is one of my favorites!See the lake in the back ground? What I really like about this house, though, is
the dock!!!! All decked out for the 4th...
Complete with Uncle Sam!
Happy Birthday, America!!!!!