Saturday, February 20, 2016

2016 and being the Mother of the Bride

Can it be that I have not blogged in over a month?  For shame!!!!  I suppose work has been busy (actually work seems to keep busy 24/7!)  Then I have home and Mommy duties to take care of and a couple of volunteer organizations I belong I think blogging lost out to everything else.  But I have missed it.  The last couple of weeks so many times I planned to blog but then I didn't for what ever reason. 

I am getting more organized and adjusted to my life and what being a single Mom and working full time means lately.  I am getting my house organized a little at a time, even though that feels like an uphill battle.  I am starting to force myself into areas that I used to love and I have gotten away from in the last couple of years like cooking and gardening.  If I can find time to read for pleasure I will feel pretty accomplished!

One thing I don't think I have mentioned is 2016 makes me a Mother of the Bride!  Yes, my beautiful daughter is getting married in April.  She is so excited and wedding invitations have gone out and plans finalized.  It is a strange season for me baby girl is getting married.  How can that be real?  My daughter actually gave me the super cute tote bag in the picture for Christmas so I carry it every chance I get because lets be real, how often do I get to be a Mother of the Bride....just once!

So, here's to blogging again and learning write and sharing my life!