Monday, May 31, 2010
Remembering on Memorial Day
Today (every day!) I hope you will join me in saying a prayer for our great nation and also of thanksgiving for those who have served and are serving to insure that we, as Americans, continue to have the freedom that we often take for granted. Remember that today isn't just a holiday, it is a time to remember the sacrifices made for us.

Friday, May 21, 2010
One one week away...
Only one week until my baby girl graduates High School. It has been a couple of weeks of Mama Drama as we have had some wonderful celebrations and events to close out her Senior Year. I am not a big crier, but this last couple of weeks finds me weepy more than I could have imagined! We started the "Senior Moments" with the Senior Banquet held by our church. It was one of those evenings where you realize exactly where you are in this season of endings and beginnings. That was followed by a fun day when the parents snuck into the High School and decorated the Seniors lockers and filled them with fun gifts (see the photo at left!). This past Sunday was Senior Recognition Day at our Church, where all the Seniors wore their respective caps and gowns. It was so neat to see how many different high schools were represented! Then we had a Senior Parent breakfast which was a time to presented our Seniors with some special, sentimental gifts and letters written to them by special people in their lives. The next day (and last official day of school for Seniors) was Awards Day and that wrapped up with the Junior-Senior Reception. Of course, the next week seems to have some event or party planned every day to keep things hopping.
I feel so torn and it is truly a bitter sweet season of life. I am so proud of DD and all she has accomplished and excited for her to see what the future holds... but in all honesty...I am sad for me! She and I are so close, I can't imagine that my baby girls is ready to fly! I know she is competent to fly...I just don't think I am ready. Y'all think about me this week...
I feel so torn and it is truly a bitter sweet season of life. I am so proud of DD and all she has accomplished and excited for her to see what the future holds... but in all honesty...I am sad for me! She and I are so close, I can't imagine that my baby girls is ready to fly! I know she is competent to fly...I just don't think I am ready. Y'all think about me this week...

High school,
mama drama,
seasons of life,
senior year
Friday, May 14, 2010
Moving, Redecorating and Project Central...
You know you are about to move into a new (new to you) house when all the flat surfaces start looking like this!
Yes, it is time to start the transition and planning the projects for our new house. No, we haven't sold the current (or otherwise known as the old) house. Actually, it isn't even on the market yet because I just can't live in it while it is on the market, especially with all we have going on this Spring!.
DH actually moves into our new house next week. He will be roughing it on a blow up mattress for a few weeks until we get there. Yesterday I actually committed to a "movers will arrive" date and delivery date. Honestly, I guess that is when it really hit me that, yes...indeed, we are moving. When we decided, several months ago, that we would make this change it seemed so far out in the future and I have been so focused on the kids and their activities that I haven't been real consumed by the coming change. more! Change is A coming! Get those paint brushes, spackle and all manner of DIY tools ready!!!!!!!!!

South Carolina
Friday, May 7, 2010
Please "Like" me.............
Y'all come over and click the "Like" button for Southern Somedays....pretty please...
Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Senior Prom...the final one........
Well, the day came. My baby girl's final High School Formal...Prom 2010. It was truly a bittersweet night...they were beautiful and had a wonderful night and I was a bit sad as my baby is getting ready to fly.
Isn't she cute? I don't think I have ever seen a dress more suited to someone's personality as this one was.
She and her sweet friend!
Friendships and memories to last a lifetime.
Even after hours of dancing they were full of smiles.
A last dance with Daddy!