Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Hair ...

I got up this morning and this was my hair...
then I went to see dear, Mrs. Debbie...
She draped and ...
she divided and then....
she cut - 2 - 10 inch ponytails!!!!
And now I am getting to know this new face and hair!
Kind of different!


  1. It looks fabulous! I absolutely love it!

  2. You look adorable! I love it!

  3. I really like it! You look great!

  4. Oh, it looks great! I love the new look. Your hair looks so pretty!

  5. Oh....My.....Gosh!!!!
    You are just too precious!
    I love it!
    Your hair was beautiful long, but you're just so pretty, you could pull a pixie cut off, too!!!!
    And in this might go back and get a pixie, huh?!?

    I finished the cabinets, but I won't be putting pictures up ('cause I don't like them!) There aren't any runs or anything -- they're just not me.

    You try to stay cool, you doll!
    Seriously, you are a doll!


  6. Girl I love it. You look so young and sassy.

  7. Hi! Thanks for the comment on my blog about VBS and special needs. It's so encouraging when people leave comments about it because for me it's just life. I really appreciate your encouragement! :)

    Your hair was SOOOOOO long! I really like it shorter for the summer at least! :) Very pretty!

  8. Hi!
    Your hair looks so cute ~ such a good cut! It is marvelous! I know it will be cooler, too, for the summer!! I think I need to schedule with Mrs. Debbie to get mine done!! :)
    Hugs, Bebe :)

  9. This is my first time here, just wanted to say I love your new hair cut it looks great!

  10. You look fantastic! I love it! It will feel so much better this summer, too. ;)

  11. So glad you stopped by. I love your hair, it is so cute. It will be easy for the summer...MISSY

  12. Love your new haircut! It is very flatering on you.

  13. I love your new haircut! It is very pretty. I have been debating on weather to cut my hair or not. Great time of year for it, wew it is HOT! Great blog!

  14. love the new looks terrific on you! too cute!

  15. You look absolutely fabulous!! :)


  16. Oh my gosh! I love love love it!! It looks fantastic. And absolutely suits you.

  17. Hope you don't mind but I am printing your back of the head shot to take to my hair stylist. who knew after looking at hair mags for three weeks I would find a picture on your blog! looks great.

  18. Wow! What a change! I love the new length - you look great! I have to say it definitely makes you look younger! So pretty...

  19. Oh my gosh, you are a very brave woman. But it looks fantastic! I can just imagine how much time you will save drying your hair. Think of all you can do with that time. The best thing, is that it can grow back.

  20. Looks wonderful!! Great for summer, too.

  21. Absolutely gorgeous!! And you are more beautiful and radiant than I have seen you!! (Remember all of my vents of dsd's hair and that she has only had 4 haircuts of about 2 inches each in 4 years???? Well we went and cut her hair about 3 weeks ago....10 inches on her as well...Locks of Love they went!) Are you cooler with the shorter do?? I think you and DD look even more alike now!!

    Love you,

  22. YOu look adorable! I cut mine off too!

  23. I can see from all the comments that everyone else thinks you look fabulous, too. Love it, darlin'! You'll be turning more heads in DD's convertible, won't you?

  24. I have long hair and I've been going back and forth about whether I should cut it or not. I KNOW it would be easier to deal with, it's just doing it, lol! I don't think locks of love would take mine because I have highlights. OH and thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!


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