Sunday, December 30, 2007

New South verses Old South....

Since, obviously, life in the South is one of my favorite topics I thought I would toss up this little nugget of insight.

This isn't mine but it comes from one of my favorite little books: New Times in the Old South or Why Scarlett's in Therapy and Tara's Going Condo by Maryln Schwartz (who also wrote The Southern Belle Primer):

"You Can Always Tell

Much about the Old South and New South is so blended together that it's hard to tell which is which. But still, no matter how much money you have, how much coaching you have and how many sponsors you have, there are ten ways you can always tell that your new money in the Old South.

  1. Your plastic surgeon buys an entire table at the charity ball you're chairing.

  2. Your bathroom is bigger than the town you were born in.

  3. Your silver pattern wasn't inherited from your grandmother, it was recommended by your hairdresser.

  4. The newer your money, the smaller the vegetables you serve at your dinner parties.

  5. Your paintings match the sofa.

  6. When people talk about you, they know how much money your house cost rather than who your grandfather was.

  7. No little pearl earrings from Grandmother; your earrings are big enough to double as barbells in your aerobics class.

  8. You've never heard of home-made cheese straws; your speciality is the miniature frozen quiches from Sam's.

  9. You don't have a file of family recipes, you have a file of caterers.

  10. Your pearls are fake; but your money is real."

This is almost as good as the 12 patterns of the Southern Silver Zodiac! Schwartz, Maryln. New Times in the Old South, or Why Scarlett's in Therapy and Tara's Going Condo, 1st Edition, Harmony Books, 1993


Yes, that is my Wedding China pattern – Noritake’s now discontinued Tahoe. I remember picking china back in the late 80’s; I wanted something classic that wouldn’t be considered “tacky” (heaven forbid!) and would stand the test of time…well, girls, I couldn't haven’t gotten much blander than the pattern I chose - white on white with platinum band.
Looking back, I imagine the lack of imagination came from fear (I mean “Wedding China” now THAT is a commitment if there ever was one – with statistics being what they were/are - possibly the china would be around longer than the man!). I didn’t want anything that could have stuck me in a color scheme, and I was having something of a weird period about flowers on plates, and didn’t want anything that seemed childish (especially since I was a child bride trying to prove my maturity with each choice – hush, YOU know I was!).

Anyway, I have grown up and now wish I had china in a lovely, bold floral pattern (preferably with lots of pink influence). My dear mother-in-law (DMIL) has an amazing collection of Royal Albert’s Old Country Roses…now THAT is a china pattern. I know that when it is time for my DD to pick her pattern I will nudge (or push as need be – yeah, I am the Mama!) her down that road because of Nana’s vast collection that *hopefully* she will one day have. What a heritage in china, that having her new wedding china blended with Nana’s would be. Oh, yeah…you might be a belle if you understand the heritage in china!
This afternoon I have been perusing and debating starting a new set of China…something lovely, feminine and PINK! I love old things and maybe have found a neat vintage pattern in Rosenthal’s Moss Ross…
Or Haviland’s Moss Ross
So...what is your china pattern, and if you started over today would it be different?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas, Strangers!

Merry Christmas, bloglanders! Yes, it has been a while (Thanksgiving - blush - I think). It has been a very busy season here at Southern Somedays so I have had to take a blogging break and sadly I wasn't polite enough to make that note to all you sweet people who sent me emails and comments.

We have survived the Christmas season relatively scar free, but not without feeling frazzled. This year was the 1st Christmas that I have worked outside the home since we have had children. I generally become "Martha" and all things festive magically appear and are organized for my family...not so much this year! We didn't have as many photo moments to be sure and I am struggling with that - I love them as much as the children do. Gifts weren't purchased and wrapped and under the tree from day 1 (yes, I was still shopping last Friday which I did NOT like in the least bit!). Cookies were not baked (at my house, at least), and caterers were good friends this year. Well, it may not have been Marthaesque but it did get done!

Even with the crazy/busy we have had a wonderful Christmas season full of blessings.

Blessing: we were able to find a bit of time each Sunday evening to celebrate our family version of Advent. We spent precious time gathered in our kitchen reading from the Bible and lighting the candles of our Advent Wreath. It was one of the high lights of the season.

Blessing: We also were able to go caroling to shut-ins from our church one Wednesday Night.

Blessing: DH and I celebrated 19 years of marriage...though he did take DD to a concert that night (what? LOL).

Blessing: Our family was blessed, as usual, by the Christmas Music Program done by the Lower School which both our sons are in. BTW, it was a CHRISTMAS Program complete with God, Jesus and the true meaning behind the season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blessing: DD took part in our Church's annual Christmas Production and Dinner theatre and we were all so very proud of her. She also had her 1st Voice Recital last Friday night and we were blown away by her talent (where did she get that?).

BIG Blessing: I suppose the true highlight was last night, when our youngest DS was baptised during our Church's Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. It was even more special knowing that our oldest DS was baptised 4 years ago, also in the Christmas Candlelight Service. Knowing that all 3 of my children have accepted Christ and have made a public profession of faith is all the Christmas Gift that this Mommy could ask for.

Busy or not I know that we are so blessed and God is so good and merciful and full of grace. Grace that I can't begin to grasp...Mercy that came in a manger...Merry Christmas all.