Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Southern Belle's Ten Golden Rules

As it has been quite quiet around these parts, well except for the big pool party we hosted on Monday night and the 4th of July Church wide picnic we attended last night...but I digress. These events have kept me a bit busy and not able to come up with suitable blogs posts so I thought I would just share a bit from one of my favorite little Southern gems, A Southern Belle Primer: Why Princess Margaret Will Never Be a Kappa Kappa Gamma

A Southern Belle's Ten Golden Rules

1. Never serve pink lemonade at your Junior League committe meetins. It has Communist overtones.

2. Always wear white when you walk down the aisle (even it it's for the third time).

3. Never wear white shoes before Easter or after Labor Day. The only exception, of course, is if your a bride. Bridesmaids, however, must never where white shoes. Bridesmaids' shoes should match the punch.

4.  It doesn't matter if you marry a man who doesn't know the difference between a shrimp fork and a pickle fork; you can always teach him. Just make sure he can afford to buy you both.

5. Never date your sorority sister's ex-husband until at least three years after the divorce. You might need her to write your daughter a Kappa Kappa Gamma recommendation one day. Just remember it's a lot easier to find a new man than it is to get your daughter into Kappa.

6. Never marry a man whose mother and grandmother owned silver plate instead of real silver. He's not used to quality and he'll try to cheat you on the divorce settlement.

7. It's never to soon to write a thank-you note. Some belles take the notes and a pen with them to a party. In the middle of the evening they go into the ladies' room and write a thank-you describing how much they enjoyed the dinner (naming specific items). They then put the note in the mailbox as they leave. The hostess receives it first thing in the morning. Sure this is compulsive, but you're going to have to be compulsive if you wnat to be president of Junior Leaugue.

8. Never show your bosum before evening and never wear an ankle bracelet before anything. Girls who wear ankle bracelets usually end up twirling batons. The has never been a baton twirler who became Miss American and there certainly never been a baton twirler in Junior League.

9. Never chew gum in public and never smoke on the street.

10. Buy low, sell high.*

*Schwarts, Maryln, A Southern Belle Primer, Or Why Princess Margaret will never be a Kappa Kappa Gamma/Maryln Schwartz. - 1 edition, 1991, Doubleday

For more funnies get your own copy at:

Friday, June 24, 2011

My personal vice...

Photo Property of
This week hasn't been the easiest of weeks (ask anyone who lives with me!) You see, I decided I needed a little personal rehab from my addiction to...caffeine.  Oh, the shame!  My caffeine was delivered daily through a steady stream of Diet Dr. Pepper or Diet Coke, preferably in a Route 44 cup from Sonic...oh, Sonic, how I love thee....whoops that is a slippery slope.  I am not a coffee drinker but somehow morhped into someone was desperately hopped up on caffeine from sodas.  I mean, like I was very serious about my soda!  First thing in the morning I would stumble to the fridge for that first hit before stopping by the medicine cabinet for my 1st round of headache was a vicious cycle.  So last week, after realizing just how many OTC pain meds I was taking, I decided it was probably related to my massive intake of soda/caffeine and some kind of rebound on the headache (and the OTC meds.)  Fast forward to this week, I have had no caffeine (soda or other form) since Sunday night.  Also, I have NO OTC meds for headaches!!!  Headaches, I have had...but, of course, they were worse the first 2 or 3 days off the beautiful amber liquid. Here I am, entering day 5...and no one has died...yet...just call me Dr. Drew!
Weekend Bloggy Reading

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Retail Therapy Thursday: The BEST wedding or shower gift

Do you have one of these?  I think they are just wonderful!!! There are so many uses for them from return addresses, goody bags, thank yous or even making your own stationary or card inserts.  They also make a super gift for any soon to be Bride because what Bride doesn't enjoy seeing her new initial or monogram on everything?  These little gems are on sale right now!  I have seen them in shops locally for upwards of $50 but at 2 Preppy Girls they are only $30.   One  really thing that is pretty neat about these stampers is that if you already have the PSA stamper body, then they can purchase only the new designs or address info disks - just fill out the same screens but use the drop down box that says new info disk only. You can buy interchangeable anytime!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

{Semi} Wordless Wednesday

This past week found me kind of busy and blogger hasn't liked me a whole lot, so I didn't do a Father's Day post!  Today, though, I am posting a photo of my Mother's Father, who died many years before I was born, as part of {Semi} Wordless Wednesday over at Flip Flops & Pearls. I just love this old photo, from the vintage recliner to the Coke calendar hanging on the wall.  Sometimes I think I was just born too late!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Mommy Musings

This week is VBS at my church and for the first time in many years I feel a renewed sense of excitement about being involved.  Last year we were in the middle of a move so we didn't participate in VBS and maybe that is why I am more excited than usual.  Either way, I am honored to be part of VBS!  It is so much fun meeting and greeting all those sweet little faces.  This year I am acutely aware of how my response  to these impressionable little people can make or break their view on church and possibly in a greater sense... what being a Christian represents.  If a child looks up and only sees impatient and scowling big people in relation to church, that is what they will associate with being a Christian (that stands true for all of us!)  On the other hand, if they feel welcomed and accepted their heart will be softened and open to learning about Christ and true Christianity. 

I cringe to think of the times when I might have not been the best example or face of Christ to another...especially to my own children.  Did my response close up a heart?  Did my thoughtlessness cause someone to avoid church or Christ?  It is heartbreaking to think how casually I have often taken my position as a Christian.    I am trying to remember that I don't know what is happening in these children's lives and if I can make their day just a little bit brighter I want to take advantage of that opportunity.  The world is such a hard, cold place...I hope that VBS can be a wonderful, warm, fun, place for these sweet little souls even if it is just for a little while.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these
~Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

{Semi} Wordless Wednesday

Look who stopped for a visit,

Isn't he handsome?


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Do you entertain outdoors in the Summer?

Do you like to entertain (whether for friends or just for your own family) outdoors during the Summer months?  We do.  One of our favorite things about our house is that we have a wonderful back yard with plenty of space to have friends.  But even when we have lived in different houses without such space, we usually utilized what we did have (which even sometimes included the driveway!).  I think spending time outdoors just makes the time sweeter! 

Sandy, over at the Reluctant Entertainer, is doing a wonderful series called "30 Days of Summer Entertaining" which has been great and makes me want to take every opportunity this summer to enjoy the outdoors with friends and family!  Check it out:

30 Days of Summer Entertaining
Also, if you are like me and are alwasy looking for motivation and inspiration for simple ways to share your life with your friends and practice the art of hospitality check out Sandy's book, The Reluctant Entertainer

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Mommy Musings

my youngest when he was 4
Today has been one of those busy “Mom Days”. You know the ones where you have tons of laundry to fold, a grocery list to make, shopping and errands to do. Nothing hard, just time consuming. One of those days when I feel like I have missed so much time with my children. But also today, as I have gone about my tasks, I have had some heavy thoughts on my mind about being a Mother.

Last night, a friend told me the background of a couple of children I am acquainted with. They have been casual playmates of my children in different activities, but we don’t really know their family and from what I have seen they always seem to be happy go lucky…normal, everyday children. I was heartbroken to find out that these children have faced horrible abuse and unimaginable horrors in their short little lives. And the saddest thing…these terrible unspeakable pains were heaped upon them from the very people that should have loved and protected them most, their parents….and as a Mom, it horrifies me to know that a Mother could do something like this. My friend was not sharing in a gossipy way but as one Mom to another...sharing her heart with me.

So, my mind and heart have wandered around today pondering on the perils of children who have had their smiles, laughter and had childhoods ripped from them by the very people they love the most. Of course, you always hear of abuse and I know it has been around since the beginning of time. but that is no reason not to be shocked and angered by its presence. Unfortunately, we can become so complacent and just think “Oh, how sad” but never stop and really think about what it means to a little heart and soul. Wounds may heal, but those scars remain.

Today when I was out doing my errands, I felt like I was a acutely aware of each set of little eyes that looked up at me. I went out of my way to look directly at each little soul and smile, because it breaks my heart to think there are children who don’t know what it is like to have someone smile at them each and every day. I don’t really know where I am going with this post; it was just on my mind…Now I am off to hug my boys.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Retail Therapy Thursday!

Now that this sweet pup (Macy) is part of our family, I have realized it opens up a whole new avenue for retail therapy! I didn't realize all the fun options I have for making this little ball of fur look even cuter than she already is. Of course, one of the first things she needs is a cute and oh, so preppy dog collar and leash. Of course, I turned to my favorite prepster supplier 2 Preppy Girls and found these adorable Preppy Personalized Dog Collars and Leashes: 

They are fully personalizable with your choice of 6 base webbing colors and a wonderful selection of 26 different ribbons and 13 thread colors.   You even have a choice of fonts.
Arent' they cute???? 
Now all I have to do is decide which one my pamerped pooch is going to be sporting!  Decisions....Decisions.....

Personalized Gifts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

{Semi} Wordless Wednesday

My grandmother feeding my Mother...but notice,even back then,
Coke was the real thing!

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