So, along with my pies to bake and turkey's to brine, I have also started the Christmas decorating! DD and a friend put her tree up on Sunday. Today I will do DS#2's tree and hopefully get started on DS#1's tree. I have a system where as I attempt to start the Sunday before Thanksgiving doing a tree (or more) a day that week. That way at least the upstairs trees are completed before Thanksgiving, which will only leave the 2 for downstairs to be done after Thanksgiving.
This year my family is so excited about the holidays! We are always big holiday people but this year it seems ratcheted up a bit. I am not sure why. Maybe it is all the dreary, depressing news we hear and we want something more positive to focus on (???). Last year I was sick during the holiday season so we didn't do alot of the little things we have always done and I do think they missed it. It isn't about gifts either because all three seem pretty hard pressed to come up with anything they really want (love that!). It truly seems to be that everyone is just looking forward to the traditions we have (and to have children actually verbalize this makes me so happy). Either way, I am not complaining, just enjoying the spirit of the season.
So, no matter what your plans are to celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope this week finds you feeling blessed and with a thanks filled heart.