Just thought I would share a photo of my NEW purse. It is in a pink and brown paisley print with a polka dot coordinating fabric (I just love polka dots...not on me -- that would be scary -- but in other things) and lined with a brown/pink gingham fabric.
This purse was a real steal and I found it in a not so ordinary place. You see this past summer my DD was taking a Latin Class and for what ever reason (cheap rent is my guess) the teacher has a store front as his "studio/classroom" and it is in the...ah...not typical retail section of town (but the part where you can actually find competition between Bail Bondsmen). On one side of the studio is a thrift shop and on the other side a place that sells "art"...you know the kind you buy to coordinate with your sofa. They have pictures ranging from Elvis silhouetted above a snowy church (???) to a giant Malcom X (complete with pants hanging down so far that his drawers are showing from here to Kingdom Come...somehow I didn't realize that particular fashion trend went back to Malcom X...but then who am I to nit pick?...heck for all I know Malcom X started the whole falling down drawers thing...I bet if I looked hard enough I could have found one with Elvis and Malcom together but I was in a hurry.). Oh, and they most definately had Dogs playing Poker!
Anyway, about a month into DD's Latin course the "Art Selling" shop started to put purses in the window...not just purses, but CUTE purses. I mean really cute, unique purses! I would look at them from afar as I really wasn't too comfortable with this part of town and the thought that "art" might just be a front for some other kind of nifty business...nifty but not my kind of retail therapy, of course. Finally, though, on her last Latin class I decided they might very well be a front for something else but heck...they were fronting with really cute purses....so I went in. It was actually a pretty nice little shop on the inside and the lady who helped me was sweet as pie. So, I guess you can't judge a shop by its locale and I was very excited to get my cute new purse for only $22! Oh, and I made it out without one scary thing happening...though none of my friends really seem to believe I got it on the seedy side of town (though, they do have a deep interest in just why I was even over there!).
When I got it home I promptly called my new bestest friend (well, she might just think we are friendly aquaintences but I love her, I tell ya!) who does monogramming. I sent her my purse and (for just a teenie few dollars) she whipped up a monogram on it and now my cheapy purse looks all preppy and chic! She is just so sweet and does such great quality work and very quickly that DD and I both just love her to death. She hasn't balked at anything we have come up with to be monogram and that is a quality that I can appreciate beyond words! She is a Mompreneur and has a cute business called Angela in Stitches http://www.angelainstitches.net/. Angela in Stitches doesn't really keep alot of inventory but loves to work with you on what ever you need. Have I mentioned that I just love her and wish I could have her bring her monogramming genie skills over to my house and just go to town on everything here?