Tuesday, December 13, 2016

To Kill a Mockingbird comes to life close to home...

I love the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, so much so I haven't yet gotten the courage to read the sequel as I don't want it to hurt the illusions I have of the noble characters I found in the original.  Maybe it sounds silly but I get attached to the characters and the escape they provide.  So, you can imagine my excitement when my youngest son landed the part of Jem in "To Kill a Mockingbird" in the Florence Little Theater's recent production.  The show ran for over a week and was sold out each night which I think was telling to what a GREAT production it was.  The entire cast brought Harper Lee's Characters to life in great detail, making you love some and hate others.  The issues of race and injustice were handled in a no nonsense matter and I hope everyone who saw it came out changed just a little as I did when I first read the book.

The entire cast was just fantastic and it was a joy to see them bring this
 important piece of Southern Fiction to life!

 It took many months of preparation and countless hours to bring this play to the stage but I was really proud of how my son kept up with school, debate, tried out and made the basketball team all the while spending late nights rehearsing almost daily at the theater.  Yes...I am biased, but he did GREAT!

 My handsome "Jem" spending time after the play every night sharing and talking the with audience.

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