Saturday, February 24, 2018

Spring is coming!!!

Yes it is!  

Now,  I admit, I have done more than my fair share of sniffling around about the cold this year...because it was COLD; and it was a cold that didn't want to end.  But the last 2 weeks  Mother Nature confirmed that yes, even though it is  still 13 degrees in Boise, Idaho, the Southland is the reining Queen of Spring . Every day brings a  delightful invitation to the coming season....daffodils in their radiant gowns, the forsythia and Carolina Jessamine parading their yellow fireworks up and down the street, the glorious Saucer Magnolia reminding us everything is pretty in pink, along with the delicate Star magnolia sharing her beautiful white blooms!  The humidity has already whispered a gentle kiss among the Red-buds. All the while, the grass is beginning it's attempt at becoming an unruly child among the garden. Oh, and then there are the weeds, that truly were not to be found this morning,  but some how wiggled inside the gates and are  throwing a welcoming party for Spring that looks as if it is about be completely out of control.

Bring on the Tulips, Dogwoods, the beloved Azaleas and wrap yourself in Spring. Oh, and I am sure it will find its way to Boise, eventually....sometime after summer has taken up residence here.

1 comment:

  1. I have a college friend (& Georgia native!) who lives in Idaho now. Seeing her daily weather updates makes me shiver!!!


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