Monday, June 4, 2012

Getting Healthy!

I know a lot of bloggers who have had great luck (and I am sure found great motivation) by blogging about their attempts at losing weight and/or getting healthy, but I have always been a bit hesitant to put it out there a whole lot.  It just wasn’t something I wanted to blog about because quite frankly I was (AM) more afraid of failing in this very public forum than anything else!  But in recent months an old friend has taken control of his health in a very inspiring way and with the great success I have seen in his life and the life of my youngest son with the diet he is on for his seizure disorder it has started to tug at me and the way I am taking care of myself. 

Actually, I am in reasonably good health and I am not feeling motivated by a desire to lose weight (…though, that would be a big, old plus if I lost a few pounds!) but I am motivated by wanting to get healthier and stronger.  The only issue health wise that I struggle with is PCOS/insulin resistance and it can only be helped by taking control of my diet and exercise.

I am finding motivation in the upward creep of that number I get assigned on each birthday and by watching family members who are not taking care of themselves and how it has affected their quality of life at what I consider too early an age.   I want to be strong and full of energy to enjoy this great place in life that I find myself!
So….I am doing away with this….
Source: via Mary on Pinterest

It probably sounds silly but it will be my biggest challenge.  Fortunately, I am not addicted to caffeine as I gave that up a few months ago but I am pretty addicted to my beloved Diet Coke…

I am also jumping on the low carb bandwagon with my youngest son (who is on the Modified Atkins version of the Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy.)  I have had good luck losing weight in the past with the Atkins Diet and after seeing so much evidence of how carbohydrates (SUGAR) damage our mind and bodies I feel it is right for me.  Not to mention, low carb diets are the best diets for combating the issues related to PCOS and insulin resistance!

So there you have it…I am putting my health out there…publically (gulp) and hope to find the motivation and commitment I need to carry it though!


  1. That's awesome! SO thrilled for you!!

    Have you tried the Mio water drink thingies (and are you impressed by my technical terms)? Having those on hand really helps me limit my Diet Coke intake. Just squirt a few drops into ice water and it gives you the flavor without the calories and sugar. For the giant size Tervis, I only need about 3 drops to give me plenty of flavor.

  2. Good luck with your diet! I've read a lot of interesting stuff about low carb diets lately, even for athletes, and how high protein, high fat and low carb is really the way to go for good health. I'm no expert, but if it's worked for you in the past and you felt better, hopefully it will this time too :). Let us know your progress- nothing like a blog for accountability!

  3. I'll look forward to reading your updates! I have PCOS, too and struggle with the weight thing all the time. But, like you, I'm trying to take control of it all! Oh, and I gave up soft drinks a few years ago.... I don't even miss them and do enjoy the occasional Coke every now and then.... mainly when I 'm at the movies.

  4. Good for you! I have had great luck with a low carb lifestyle. I wrote it about it on my blog a few weeks ago - here is the url if you care to take a look.

    Even though Diet Coke has no carbs, it has cancer causing caramel coloring and aspartame which I believe does not so great stuff to our brains. You are wise to give it up. My husband has a weakness for Diet Pepsi - has one on occasion now where he used to have multiple everyday. I know it can be a challenge to give it up - hang in there!

  5. in 1996 I lost 73 lbs with the atkins diet and except for a 5 lb. up n down I've kept it off. It also helped me cure my food allergies and candida.. I do a 3 day fast 4 times a year and dink 160 ounces of water every day BUT I never could and still havent given up my 1 16 oz. diet mt dew .. its my dessert every night about 8:-)

    good luck to you. I wish more people understood how wonderful atkins is and didnt just listen to the sound bites of folks who havent studied it and gotten great check ups from their doctors by using it.

  6. Good for you! I look forward to hearing more.

  7. You will rock this! And if you don't? Eh, nobody's perfect. It's actually a better, more realistic testimony to see the struggle, so fear not! We'll back you up no matter what!
    Caffeine-free diet is my BFF, too. I've given it up at home - I never buy it at the store - but I always drink as many free refills as I can suck down my gullet when we eat out! :-D

  8. Im try to cut down on my caffeine hard!

  9. Best of luck with this! I totally agree with giving up soda/diet soda. So bad for everyone.

  10. THANK YOU ALL for the encouragment! It feels really strange to put this out here but I am excited and feel like it is the right time to get my stuff together and get stronger and healthier! Not to mention, I have developed quite a liking to exercise clothes....hopefully liking exercise will follow...hopefully!

  11. You can do it girlfriend. It's worth it to feel better.

  12. Good for you, Michelle. That is a very good way of eating. Good luck!

  13. Good for you! It's tough for sure, I've been eating healthier (I'm not using the word dieting because I'm not trying to lose weight) for a year now and it's all the difference. Good luck!

  14. That is wonderful. I am sure you will get there. I have been struggling that is why I have been putting mine out there.

  15. I try to eat the Paleo way and I find, like you, great success with low carb living! Way to go!!


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