Saturday, June 29, 2019

Back With A New Name, New Address and New Directions!

Photo from: Divas Can Cook

Welcome all ones of you that may still pop by here to see if I have posted anything!  Though since I have changed my domain name, you ones may have been lost...oh, my.  Nothing like starting from scratch?

Obviously, I have not posted in a very.long.time.  I had mentioned in previous posts that I had lost direction and motivation for the blog and writing in general. It has taken some time to start figuring it out. Be warned it is still a work in progress.  I *think* I have determined my direction(s) and part of it is embracing the season I am in and incorporating the things I love into the blog the way I did when I started blogging back in 2005. (YEP.....2005!)  I started blogging as a way of journaling what, at the time, was a busy life with words and photos and I think it is time to start again...just with my new 2.0 life.

My challenge has been to some degree that I no longer fit into the "Mommy or Wife" blog world and my crafting and decorating is sparse, but I still love my South and all it offers, from fashion and our special kind of Belle Beauty, to extraordinary sights and travel, beautiful homes (even if mine is a wreck!) shopping and lest we not forget our Southern Food (notice Biscuits is right there at the top!)  My family and fur babies are still very important to me but I only have one baby still in the nest and he turns 18 in 2 months....yes, you do hear a slight Mama Meltdown in the background.  I plan to figure out how to incorporate the new dynamics of family life into my blog since we are all in a different season and it is harder than when I had them all under my roof.  By the way, my beautiful and talented daughter, who is now married and blossoming into a wonderful woman still is active and blogging at Starting out Southern.

I invite you to join me in my new online journaling adventure and lets get to know one another, both new and old!  Happy Saturday and drop me a line or two if you happen to stop by to help keep my creative juices flowing.