Would you like to know more?

Please feel free to contact me at

I am available for speaking engagements for both large and small women's groups, couples conferences, parenting, and positive living engagements.  I have lived through divorce, single parenting, financial failures/challenges, and re-entering the workforce after being a stay-at-home Mom for over two decades not to mention my less than graceful battle with aging! With humor and humility, I bring my experiences to those who need positive affirmation, laughter, joy, and Jesus - things we often lose touch with during life's challenges.  

Contact me for speaking details and verify availability.

I am also open to collaborations and sponsorship with products that make life beautiful.  Let me be your brand influencer and an ambassador to a whole new audience!

Please note in the subject line of any communication: "Speaking Inquiry" or "Blog Collaboration."

Have an amazing day!

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