Yesterday I had the high honor of taking off with my youngest son, now that the older 2 are back in school, and heading to up to a lake in the mountains for a day of swimming and play. Amazingly, the lake was abandoned (I suppose because of school being back in session) so DS and I had the great pleasure of having the beach area completely to ourselves.
It was a glorious summer day…clear blue skies with fluffy white clouds floating by on occasion, a calm lake with water just the perfect temperature to keep your skin comfortable under the golden sun. It was wonderful. We swam, danced in the water, watched the butterflies gathering on the sand for a drink, sang lots of songs and built sand walls (sorry, he just wasn’t into castles but preferred walls).
As I sat on the beach and played with my little man I just enjoyed every simple, plain moment of it. It was an afternoon that reminded me just how much joy is in the journey. I am so blessed to be called, “Mommy”. I love being a Wife and Mother. Unfortunately, I forget that when I feel rushed, tired and over-extended; when the world comes calling, and stealing the quiet from my life, I forget that. I am going to try to do better to remember that always, every day.
"Pour out your heart like water
before the face of the Lord.
Lift your hands toward Him for the
life of your young children."
Lamentations 2:19