On this day, truly a somber holiday, but has turned into a 3 day party weekend to kick off the Summer or a big shopping day for most of us; I hope you will stop and say a prayer of thanks for the brave men and women who gave their lives in the battle for our freedom. Each of those lives were the lives of heroes...the sons, daughters, brother, sisters, mothers, fathers. Their family & friends still feel the lose of their loved ones.
Take a moment, it is the least we can do.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Can you believe it has been almost 3 months since I have been here?
My attempt to come back to blogging has proven to be more challenging than it ever used to be! I don't know if it has been a state of mind, lack of time or just missing muse, but I am back and really hope that I can open up more and share and make this place on the internets mine! I met so many wonderful friends online and in real life through blogging; not to mention it was really a wonderful way to journal my life...the good, the bad and the ugly! So many of you gave me so much support as my life crumbled and it was a beautiful gift. I find myself now writing blog posts in my mind while on the way to an appointment or meeting but never seeming to make it away from my work computer long enough to blog on my personal computer!
I talked a lot about transparency, but that is a trait I am still refining and as my life has changed so very much in the last 3 years it has taken on new meaning and relevance. I have been accused on many occasions of being fake. I know that was a term chosen for its intended blow because I tried to live as transparently as possible, while not hurting others and hiding secrets not my own. But, now, in my "new life" I can be perfectly transparent and perfectly imperfect. So maybe that isn't a bad trade?
Right now, at this very moment, I am full of joy and also sadness. I am joyful because after living in what felt like a perpetual state of being underwater, I have finally broken through the surface and am breathing again. Color is seeping back into my world. I am sad because I have missed so much allowing myself to become one of the walking wounded. I have not been the Mother I wish I could have been. Yes, I was a "good enough" Mother, providing and making sure everything was taken care of but I wish I had been more...but I am imperfect. I failed my children in so many ways and they deserved better. I deserved better. My friends and family deserved better. But...I am finished with blaming and stumbling...I am ready to walk forward and learn to dance.
For so many years I lived in a state of fear and I am finally not afraid anymore. I am seeing God work in my life and I am seeking comfort in His Word again for the first time in a long time. I am so glad that He knows me better than I know myself and He is patient, even with a particularly difficult, hard-headed child like me! :-)
Mourning has ended and the sun has come to shine again. I will face battles still, but I will survive, win or lose. I will make mistakes but I will make it...because I am stronger than we could have ever imagined.
I talked a lot about transparency, but that is a trait I am still refining and as my life has changed so very much in the last 3 years it has taken on new meaning and relevance. I have been accused on many occasions of being fake. I know that was a term chosen for its intended blow because I tried to live as transparently as possible, while not hurting others and hiding secrets not my own. But, now, in my "new life" I can be perfectly transparent and perfectly imperfect. So maybe that isn't a bad trade?
Right now, at this very moment, I am full of joy and also sadness. I am joyful because after living in what felt like a perpetual state of being underwater, I have finally broken through the surface and am breathing again. Color is seeping back into my world. I am sad because I have missed so much allowing myself to become one of the walking wounded. I have not been the Mother I wish I could have been. Yes, I was a "good enough" Mother, providing and making sure everything was taken care of but I wish I had been more...but I am imperfect. I failed my children in so many ways and they deserved better. I deserved better. My friends and family deserved better. But...I am finished with blaming and stumbling...I am ready to walk forward and learn to dance.
For so many years I lived in a state of fear and I am finally not afraid anymore. I am seeing God work in my life and I am seeking comfort in His Word again for the first time in a long time. I am so glad that He knows me better than I know myself and He is patient, even with a particularly difficult, hard-headed child like me! :-)
Mourning has ended and the sun has come to shine again. I will face battles still, but I will survive, win or lose. I will make mistakes but I will make it...because I am stronger than we could have ever imagined.

new life,