Monday, October 3, 2011

83 Days Until....

Christmas!  Yes, I am counting down. 

Yesterday, though, someone asked me, "Why are counting down the days until Christmas already?" It was asked not entirely in a rude way, but asked in an almost accusatory tone, as if I had violated some terms of service of which I was unaware.  Instead of being taken aback by the delivery of the question, it actually got me to thinking clearly about why I like to count down, not just to Christmas, but the entire holiday season. 

I have learned that if I want to fully enjoy the season (from Thanksgiving all the way through Christmas) I have to be organized ahead of time. I love everything about Thanksgiving and Christmas - except the stress and busyness.  My solution is to do as much as possible before the season begins.  I want my decorating done early and most, if not all, of my shopping done and wrapped early.  I like menus planned and parties scheduled.

Doing much of the prep. ahead of time, frees me to enjoy the best part of the season...the people and the celebration of Jesus' birth. 

I want to be free to share special times with my family... baking, doing crafts, watching Christmas movies or reading Christmas stories... without feeling a to-do list a mile long weighing on my shoulders.  Taking care of the holiday stresses BEFORE the holiday arrives, frees us to have friends over, go to parties, attend Christmas concerts or just head out simply to drive around and enjoy the sights of the season. All the preplanning and organizing actually allows us to be spontaneous during the holidays because there is no pressure to get this or that done.  We are free to savor the fleeting moments of this special time.  I don't want my children's memories of the holiday season to revolve around a cranky Mom who seems frazzled and stressed out and ready to get Christmas over and done with. 

So, it may seem bizarre to some that I start thinking and planning so far in advance, but it makes our Christmas less stressful and we make more memories with our friends and family.


  1. Christmas is so busy that it can make me nuts. I just take on the events that I can and let the rest go!

  2. I don't blame you for wanting to get organized. The season goes by so quickly, too quickly and we all want to savor each precious moment!

    Susan and Bentley

  3. 83 doesnt seem that far away. The season between Thanksgiving and New Years is the absolute best.

  4. Only 83 days?!? Wow! My M-I-L and I have started working on our Christmas projects. :) We have decided to do a homemade Christmas! I can't wait to see what we come up with!

  5. I'm with you Michelle. I'm almost a quarter of the way through my Christmas shopping list. If I weren't mindful of all there is to do my Christmas would be too hurried & I'd miss the real point of the celebration.

  6. We were just talking this weekend about what we were going to do this season. We change up the theme each year so it takes some extra work.. I try my best to have it done 2 nights before thanksgiving cause thats when our favorite shows and movies get started as well as having folks drop by... lucky for me I dont have to deal with halloween:)

  7. I love being prepared to truly ENJOY the holidays, too, instead of letting them make me crazy with rushing & obligation. I like to be done with presents by Thanksgiving, so I can have a lot of them under my tree. :-) I heard a speaker last fall on how to enjoy the holidays more, instead of being "bulldozed by the Christmas machine" :-P and blogged about it:

  8. It just depresses me as it means another birthday is coming and gone

  9. We're planners in our household as well. The cool air recently has brought back the excitement of fall with its corn mazes and pumpkin pie, but Christmastime is truly the best time of the year.


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